My warmest congratulations and best wishes for Toronto French Montessori School’s continuing success:
25 years of learning, teaching, and hopes and dreams for tomorrow.
25 years of sharing and trust.
25 beautiful years.
To many more fruitful years of excellence! Happy 15th Anniversary.
Has it already been 25 years? It feels like it was just a few years ago that Mme. Marie and I held our very first open house at the Cummer Campus, and opened our doors to the few families who had entrusted their children to
Mme. Marie’s care back in the fall of 2000. The Toronto French Montessori School has been such a big part of my young adult life; I can definitely say that the TFMS community is part of my extended family. The love and support that can be found there is truly a blessing.
I am very proud of the accomplishments of our students throughout the years, and am always astonished at the level of dedication and love demonstrated by our staff at TFMS. Congratulations on the 25 years! I am honoured to have been a part of it every step of the way, and look forward to many more years to come.
It has been 25 years since I helped my mother open the school at the Cummer Campus in the year 2000.
I remember I was 12 years old, placing advertisement brochures on parked cars at the Food Basics parking lot for her first open house. Back then I had no idea I would develop a passion for teaching and become a technology teacher for the Jr. Highs of Toronto French Montessori School.
I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to practice both accounting and teaching; work with wonderful students; and receive so much support from my fellow teachers. I am very proud of the school’s past accomplishments and look forward to contributing to its prosperous future!
I offer my heartfelt congratulations to Mme. Marie and her caring and talented team of teachers, administrators, students and family members as we come together to celebrate the achievement of the first fifteen years of a wonderful school.
Over the years the school has maintained its founding principles of strong dedication to academics and discipline.
It has also retained its original aims of meeting the needs of the students, their families and their community.
It also continues to uphold another belief: the pioneering spirit and beliefs of Dr. Montessori with which it started. The school has continued to grow and mature into the award winning place of learning that it is today.
It is an honour to have the opportunity to be a part of it for the past five years and I wish the school many more anniversaries in the future. Thank you for the opportunity to be able to play a small part in this accomplishment.
The success of any institution is measured by the belief in the mission as well as the dedication and determination of those who run it, who themselves are inspired by an equally dedicated leader.
How would success be assessed if not by the achievements of the students as they proceed to higher education!
For the past fifteen years TFMS has been an educational institution to reckon with: a dedicated Principal, Mme. Marie, a committed staff and diligent students. Those who have graduated have mastered work ethics that will lead them to success in life.
TFMS, may you continue to be a model cradle of education for generations to come.
Teachers worldwide are dedicated to educating thoughtful, ethical and socially responsible children. The introduction of faith to children and the connection with God is very important to a young child. Each religion has its own characteristics. I believe all religions lead to a virtuous life. God and man are the essence of education.
“The education of conscience is a lifelong task. From the earliest years, it awakens the child to the knowledge and practice of the interior law recognized by conscience.” – Catechism of Catholic Church # 1783 - 1785.
I take pride to be part of Toronto French Montessori School. At TFMS, we have a broad range of character education. The teachers teach academics, athletics and arts. Students have opportunities to participate in community outreach; along with a Christian faith based curriculum. Students keep being empowered successfully with the guidance of their teachers.
The 15th Anniversary Celebration is an excitement at Toronto French Montessori School. Congratulations to all who took part from September 5, 2000 till today. Over these years, I have met and worked with so many wonderful people at TFMS.
I received inspiration from Mme. Marie and decided to take Montessori training and become an administrator.
Every day I am learning from this family-oriented school community. Mme. Marie is very wise, smart and she always has a smile on her face. She brings remarkable energy to teaching, the deep passion as mentor to teachers is no small feat and the outstanding parenting guidance is well recognized.
During the years at TFMS, I have been deeply touched by memorable moments especially when my daughter played with her classmates and heard her laughter. I am also touched by the children singing in the gym while practicing for performances. It gives me joy when the students share their success, e.g. “Mommy, I have got 10 out of 10 on my dictée.” “My child can speak French!” “I can’t miss the Family Day Dinner, the food is so delicious!” Memories of yesteryears’ traditions evoke a feeling of anticipation.
On behalf of Toronto French Montessori School, I thank you very much for the continuous prayers and support of this historic milestone. Each of us has been invited to respond generously to the Lord’s call in our lives, and to give our time, talents and treasures to support our community. I pray that everyone as part of TFMS continue the mission for our next generations. May God give us hope for the future of Toronto French Montessori School.
Stouffville: 22 Church St. N., Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 1G8 | Willowdale: 38 Ellerslie Ave, North York, ON M2N 1X8
Stouffville 905.591.9504 |Willowdale 416.250.9952
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