Honouring the Life and Legacy of Mme Marie (1961-2024)
The Toronto French Montessori School community mourns the loss of our beloved founder and principal, Mme Marie. Her passion for education, dedication to her students, and unwavering commitment to excellence have left an indelible mark on our school and in our hearts.
Throughout her distinguished career, Mme Marie touched the lives of countless students, inspiring them to strive for their dreams and become compassionate, engaged citizens of the world. Her warmth, guidance, and wisdom were instrumental in shaping the school's inclusive and nurturing environment that we cherish today.
As we remember Mme Marie's remarkable life and contributions, let us also take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has reached out with messages of love, support, and condolences during this difficult time. Your kindness and thoughtfulness are a testament to the incredible community that Mme Marie was so proud to be a part of.
To honor her memory, the school has established the Toronto French Montessori School Memorial Fund.
You are welcome to donate if you wish by sending an e-transfer to Accounting@TorontoFrenchMontessori.com
We are deeply grateful for the generosity of those who have made donations in Mme Marie's name, ensuring that her commitment to education and passion for learning continue to make a positive impact on the lives of our students.
Mme Marie's spirit and influence will live on in the halls of our school and in the hearts of those she inspired. We will forever cherish her memory and strive to carry forward her extraordinary legacy.
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents,
It is with great pleasure that I share with you the success of our bilingual school at the Toronto French Montessori over the last 15 years. Thanks to our vibrant and active community, we achieved our goals and for this, I congratulate you all.
The past 15 years have been years of growth and change for the school. We have much to look forward to as we continue to grow to meet the needs of our students in the future. The challenge before us is to maintain the spirit of faith and hope, and further develop the sense of family, all of which are integral parts of this school.
Looking at our school today, I am reminded that the progress achieved is due in part to the pioneering spirit of those
eleven families who believed and had trust in what could be done. In July 2000, we had nothing to offer their children except a bilingual French Montessori education. We had not yet hired any staff and we did not have any real capital. Yet, these 11 families had faith and vision. It is through their faith and vision that we achieved our goals. In 2011, we had our first grade 8 graduating class.
Our duty and commitment at Toronto French Montessori School is to provide the best possible education to our students and ease their entry to their high schools. Furthermore, we provide guidance and answers to their expectations at the next level of their life experience.
Our qualified teachers are deeply committed to their students’ academic development, dedicating their time to provide an enriched and rewarding learning experience both in the French, English and Spanish as a second language.
I am very proud of all our students at the Toronto French Montessori. Heartfelt thanks go to the parents, students and staff that have contributed to making the school community what it is today. We are also blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful families.
Together we will continue dedicating ourselves to assist our students and to build a better future for them.
Yours in Education,
Madame Marie
Chers Parents,
C’est avec un grand plaisir que je partage avec vous aujourd’hui notre réussite à Toronto French Montessori. Grâce à notre vive communauté, nous avons accompli nos objectifs, et couronné de succès. Bravo à vous tous!
Les dernières quinze années ont été pleines de progrés et de changements pour notre école. Tout en poursuivant nos efforts, nous attendons avec impatience de répondre aux besoins de nos élèves dans l’avenir. Les défis qui nous attendent consistent à pouvoir persévérer dans la foi et l’espoir et de consolider le sens de la famille, des principes intrinsèques de cette école.
Aujourd’hui, je regarde notre école et je voie qu’une partie de ce progrès a été réalisé grâce aux esprits pionniers de ces 11 familles qui ont eu confiance et ont vraiment cru aux opportunités possibles. En Juillet de l’an 2000, nous n’avions rien à offrir à leurs enfants à part une éducation bilingue à French Montessori. Nous n’avions aucun enseignant, et nous n’avions aucun capital réel entre nos mains. Cependant, ces 11 familles, elles, avaient une foi et une vision; et c’est à travers leur vision que nos objectifs ont été atteints. En 2011, nous avons eu notre première classe de << grade 8 >>.
A Toronto French Montessori, nous considérons notre devoir et nous nous engageons d’offrir la meilleure éducation possible à nos élèves tout en facilitant leur accès aux études secondaires. De plus, nous offrons une orientation et une réponse à leurs attentes durant le cycle suivant de l’expérience de leur vie.
Nos enseignants qualifiés sont très investis dans la vie et le progrès académiques de leurs élèves. Ils sacrifient leur temps pour offrir une expérience d’apprentissage riche et satisfaisante en français tout comme en anglais et l’espagnol comme langue seconde.
Je suis très fière de tous nos étudiants à Toronto French Montessori. Du fond du cœur, je remercie les parents, les élèves et tout le personnel, tous ceux qui ont contribué à faire de cette école ce qu’elle est aujourd’hui. Nous sommes bénis d’être entouré par des familles superbes.
Ensemble, nous allons continuer à donner le meilleur de nous pour aider les élèves et leur construire un avenir meilleur.
Veuillez agréer l’expression de mes sentiments respectueux.
Madame Marie
Stouffville: 22 Church St. N., Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 1G8 | Willowdale: 38 Ellerslie Ave, North York, ON M2N 1X8
Stouffville 905.591.9504 |Willowdale 416.250.9952
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