This program ensures that the children receive nutritious food that helps them through their busy day.
This daily lunch will be delivered by a catering company that specializes in food for children. It is fresh and varies daily. Also, these lunches will be served at their right temperatures, ensuring their quality. Thus, the TFMS students of age 5 and under are required to participate in our lunch program.
The following are the details of the nutritious hot lunches available to all students:
Find out what your children are eating! The lunch menu is posted downstairs, and you can download the electronic version here (will resume in September).
TFMS is a GREEN school!
Dr. Montessori supported the concept of children taking care of the classroom environment. She taught her students that it was their responsibility.
Today, Montessori schools follow this idea by instilling stewardship of the earth in the hearts and minds of Montessori students. Montessori schools worldwide support and enforce the three Rs of the environment: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
The Toronto French Montessori School asks parents to further contribute to this concept by sending their children to school with lunches and snacks that use minimal packaging. Any waste produced by your children's lunches will be returned to your home in the children's lunch bags. Please use reusable dinnerware to help reduce the amount of garbage in our landfills.
Yummy's success can be attributed to their focus on healthy nutritious home style meals that children enjoy, using a unique combination of top quality ingredients with the use of traditional cooking styles and state-of-the-art facilities which is a role model for all others in the industry.
TFMS is offering pizza lunch for students for all of the students every last Friday of each month.
This program provides parent with the opportunity to order pizza for students who eat lunch at school.
Parents / Guardians can order a choice of lunch combo.
See reception for the order form.
TFMS is offering a hotdog lunch for elementary students for all of the students every last
Friday of each month.
This program provides parent with the opportunity to order a hotdog lunch for students who
eat lunch at school.
Toronto French Montessori School is offering bus service for our students.
Please fill out the following form if you would like to request a bussing service for the 2019 - 2020 scholastic year and return it to the school no later than August 1, 2019 along with a non-refundable Registration Fee of $100
We offer door-to-door service in the vicinity. The cost of the bus service for one way will be $350 and round trip will be $450.00 per month per student. The pick up points are determined by the demographic of the students and therefore it is vital that we receive your address and the nearest major intersection to your home.
There will be a surcharge for address outside our vicinity, parents will receive an invoice from the school for the remaining payments. The estimate pick up or drop off times will be announced when the route is finalized by the transportation provider.
School Transporation Form 2019 (pdf)
DownloadInSchoolwear, is the official supplier of the Toronto French Montessori School Formal Uniform Program for the school year. The Toronto French Montessori School Uniform is stocked on a year round basis at the InSchoolwear at 209 Wicksteed Avenue, Unit 39, Toronto, ON M4G 0B1 (416.423.3032).
For your added convenience orders may also be placed online.
Please visit us at and select Toronto French Montessori School Store for purchasing all your uniform needs. Please note: The password for online shopping is "tfms".
Visible Couture, is the official supplier of the Toronto French Montessori School Gym Uniform Program for the 2019-2020 school year.
We are enthused to be collaborating with TORONTO FRENCH MONTESSORI SCHOOL in taking a proactive role for advocating student safety in and around school zones.
The school crest is made from 3M Reflective Safety Film. Using a technology called retro-reflection, this material helps the eye perceive light in low light conditions by returning the light rays back to their source. When illuminated by a light source such as headlights, Visible Couture apparel returns the light back toward the original source, reaching the driver’s eyes from several hundred yards away.
To place an order, you can purchase the uniform online at or simply fill out an order form (available at Willowdale Campus) and return it to the school along with your payment. Orders will be delivered to Willowdale Campus.
Should you have any questions regarding your order please do not hesitate to contact us directly at 416-533-4149 and we will be happy to assist you.
Stouffville: 22 Church St. N., Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 1G8 | Willowdale: 38 Ellerslie Ave, North York, ON M2N 1X8
Stouffville 905.591.9504 |Willowdale 416.250.9952
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